Endocrine Disruption

TEDX List of Potential Endocrine Disruptors

2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid


CAS # 94-75-7

Alternative Name


Pesticide ingredient

Evidence Supporting This Chemical as an Endocrine Disruptor

Cheney MA, Fiorillo R, Criddle RS. 1997. Herbicide and estrogen effects on the metabolic activity of Elliptio complanata measured by calorespirometry. Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol 118(2):159-164.

Florsheim WH, Velcoff SM. 1962. Some effects of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on thyroid function in the rat: Effects on iodine accumulation. Endocrinology 71(1):1-6.

Goldner WS, Sandler DP, Yu F, Shostrom V, Hoppin JA, Kamel F, LeVan TD. Hypothyroidism and pesticide use among male private pesticide applicators in the agricultural health study. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine/American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2013 Oct;55(10):1171.

Kanayama T, Kobayashi N, Mamiya S, Nakanishi T, Nishikawa J. 2005. Organotin compounds promote adipocyte differentiation as agonists of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor [gamma]/retinoid X receptor pathway. Mol Pharmacol 67(3):766-774.

Van den Berg KJ, van Raaij JAGM, Bragt PC, Notten WRF. 1991. Interactions of halogenated industrial chemicals with transthyretin and effects on thyroid hormone levels in vivo. Arch Toxicol 65(1):15-19.

*Category References

Compendium of Pesticide Common Names (CPCN).

US Dept of Health & Human Services. Household Products Database.

US National Library of Medicine. Haz-Map.