CAS # 75-09-2
Alternative Names
methylene dichloride
methylene chloride
methylene bichloride
Food additives and contact material
Household product ingredient
Industrial additive
Personal care product/Cosmetic ingredient
Pesticide ingredient
Unconventional Oil and Gas
Evidence Supporting This Chemical as an Endocrine Disruptor
Fuxe K, Andersson K, Hansson T, Agnati LF, Eneroth P, Gustafsson JA. 1984. Central catecholamine neurons and exposure to dichloromethane. Selective changes in amine levels and turnover in tel- and diencephalic DA and NA nerve terminal systems and in the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones in the male rat. Toxicology 29(4):293-305.
Moser VC, Cheek BM, MacPhail RC. 1995. A multidisciplinary approach to toxicological screening. III. Neurobehavioral toxicity. J Toxicol Environ Health 45(2):173-210.
*Category References
Colborn T, Schultz K, Herrick L, Kwiatkowski C. 2014. An Exploratory Study of Air Quality near Natural Gas Operations. Hum Ecol Risk Assess 20(1):86-105.
Compendium of Pesticide Common Names (CPCN).
Getzinger GJ, O'Connor MP, Hoelzer K, Drollette BD, Karatum O, Deshusses MA, Ferguson PL, Elsner M, Plata DL. 2015. Natural Gas Residual Fluids: Sources, Endpoints, and Organic Chemical Composition after Centralized Waste Treatment in Pennsylvania. Environ Sci Technol 49(14):8347-8355.
Hildenbrand ZL, Carlton DD, Fontenot B, Meik JM, Walton J, Taylor J, Thacker J, Korlie S, Shelor CP, Henderson D, et al. 2015. A Comprehensive Analysis of Groundwater Quality in The Barnett Shale Region. Environ Sci Technol 49(13):8254-8262.
Rich A, Grover JP, Sattler ML. 2014. An exploratory study of air emissions associated with shale gas development and production in the Barnett Shale. J Air Waste Manag Assoc 64(1):61-72.
US National Library of Medicine. Haz-Map.
US National Library of Medicine. Hazardous Substances Data Bank.