CAS # 70872-29-6
Biogenic compound
Evidence Supporting This Chemical as an Endocrine Disruptor
Coldham NG, Sauer MJ. 2001. Identification, quantitation and biological activity of phytoestrogens in a dietary supplement for breast enhancement. Food & Chemical Toxicology 39(12):1211-1224.
Izzo G, Soder O, Svechnikov K. 2011. The prenylflavonoid phytoestrogens 8-prenylnaringenin and isoxanthohumol diferentially suppress steroidogenesis in rat Leydig cells in ontogenesis. J Appl Toxicol 31(6):589-594.
*Category References
Coldham NG, Sauer MJ. 2001. Identification, quantitation and biological activity of phytoestrogens in a dietary supplement for breast enhancement. Food Chem Toxicol 39(12):1211-1224.
Izzo G, Soder O, Svechnikov K. 2011. The prenylflavonoid phytoestrogens 8-prenylnaringenin and isoxanthohumol diferentially suppress steroidogenesis in rat Leydig cells in ontogenesis. J Appl Toxicol 31(6):589-594.
PUBCHEM. Isoxanthohumol.