CAS # 32534-81-9 (DE-71)
Alternative Name
Flame retardant
Household product ingredient
Industrial additive
Evidence Supporting This Chemical as an Endocrine Disruptor
Fowles JR, Fairbrother A, Baecher-Steppan L, Kerkvliet NI. 1994. Immunologic and endocrine effects of the flame-retardant pentabromodiphenyl ether (DE-71) in C57BL/6J mice. Toxicology 86(1-2):49-61.
Hamers T, Kamstra JH, Sonneveld E, Murk AJ, Kester MH, Andersson PL, Legler J, Brouwer A. 2006. In vitro profiling of the endocrine-disrupting potency of brominated flame retardants. Toxicol Sci 92(1):157-173.
*Category References
US National Library of Medicine. Hazardous Substances Data Bank.