CAS # 43121-43-3
Pesticide ingredient
Evidence Supporting This Chemical as an Endocrine Disruptor
Hester SD, Nesnow S. 2008. Transcriptional responses in thyroid tissues from rats treated with a tumorigenic and a non-tumorigenic triazole conazole fungicide. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 227(3):357-369.
Hurley PM, Hill RN, Whiting RJ. 1998. Mode of carcinogenic action of pesticides inducing thyroid follicular cell tumors in rodents [review]. Environ Health Perspect 106(8):437-445.
Okubo T, Yokoyama Y, Kano K, Soya Y, Kano I. 2004. Estimation of estrogenic and antiestrogenic activities of selected pesticides by MCF-7 cell proliferation assay. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 46(4):445-453.
Petit F, Le Goff P, Cravedi JP, Valotaire Y, Pakdel F. 1997. Two complementary bioassays for screening the estrogenic potency of xenobiotics: recombinant yeast for trout estrogen receptor and trout hepatocyte cultures. J Mol Endocrinol 19(3):321-335.
Trösken ER, Scholz K, Lutz RW, Völkel W, Zarn JA, Lutz WK. 2004. Comparative assessment of the inhibition of recombinant human CYP19 (aromatase) by azoles used in agriculture and as drugs for humans. Endocr Res 30(3):387-394.
Vinggaard AM, Breinholt V, Larsen JC. 1999. Screening of selected pesticides for oestrogen receptor activation in vitro. Food Additives & Contaminants 16(12):533-542.
Vinggaard AM, Hnida C, Breinholt V, Larsen JC. 2000. Screening of selected pesticides for inhibition of CYP19 aromatase activity in vitro. Toxicol in Vitro 14(3):227-234.
*Category References
Compendium of Pesticide Common Names (CPCN).
US National Library of Medicine. Haz-Map.